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Improve Your Business in the New Year with an Office Phone System

The new year is just around the corner. Is your small business ready? While you’ve likely made plans to achieve your main goals, reviewed last year’s lessons and achievements, and created at least a framework of what to expect moving forward, you may not have put as much time and thought into your office phone system.
As consumers increasingly demand reliable and easy communication, these systems are an important tool in your continued success. By understanding and even embracing this technology, you’ll set up your small business for big wins in the new year, and well beyond.

How It Works and Why It’s Important
While features vary from one to the next, all systems offer convenience amenities such as improved reception, call forwarding, voicemail, and the ability to connect with employees in the field.

One the main benefits of an office phone system is that you can connect multiple offices with ease. Plus, this setup can scale as your business grows. Not having to constantly upgrade saves you time and energy.

However, you don’t have to lose the close-knit nature of your office by adding banks of phones or a lot of extra space. With a dedicated system, your employees will be easily connected, regardless of whether they’re in the same office or not.

Then there’s the perception factor. Customers don’t have to know the actual size of your company. They’ll instantly get a positive impression when you’re able to offer multiple contact options. They’ll have peace of mind that your employees are well-trained, knowledgeable professionals. This builds trust, as well as repeat business and referrals.

Valuable Features to Improve Business Operations
One of the main advantages for small business owners is the cost savings provided by a dedicated office phone system. By eliminating multiple phone bills, increasing communication speed, and providing customers with more options to get in touch, you can better focus on growing your business, serving customers, and generating revenue.

But a dedicated system can do much more than just take calls and messages. You can connect remote employees through mobile networking and even online chat. On-hold messaging allows you to inform customers about your business and promote new features while they wait for employees to assist them with other tasks.

Outages are reduced and eliminated with the right system. Natural disasters and unplanned occurrences are inevitable. There will always be times when the power goes out, or communication equipment is compromised. This takes a toll on productivity and customer service. Depending on the system you choose, there are built-in options to avoid costly outages.

From a security standpoint, office phone systems can be a life-saver. In an age of hacking and other malicious activity, you need a dependable system and provider that can ensure the data of your employees and customers is safe.

Expert Advice
With more than 30 years of experience serving small businesses across Central Florida, our friendly and knowledgeable staff can answer your questions about office phone systems, and help you find solutions for all your communications needs.

Contact us today to begin a conversation on how we can partner in the success of your small business in the new year and beyond.